Fall Protection Training Course Online with Certificate

What is Covered in this Course?

Aggie Safety Fall Protection/prevention training differentiates itself from others by practical experiences and providing solutions to problems by training on topics like:

  • Harness
  • Suspension Trauma
  • Fall arrest
  • Types of harness
  • Ladder safety
  • Fall Rescue
  • Unsafe Work practices
  • OSHA violations for fall protection

Please Note

  • You will get a link to the course in your email within 1 business day.
  • The passing score is 70% and above.
  • This certification must be renewed when you are involved in a fall protection accident, as described in this training program; when your behavior puts you or other employees at risk of injury; or when your employer’s policies require retraining.

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safety guidelines with illustrations



Importance of suspension trauma



lader safety

Fall prevention strategies include installing guardrails, warning barriers, and travel restraints. Work processes can also be engineered to minimize fall hazards

Fall protectionGet your comprehensive fall protection training from a company with 25 years of experience in fall protection training. Aggie Safety Fall Protection/Prevention Training differentiates itself from others by providing practical experiences and solutions to problems. Your personnel will learn about the Basics of fall protection; learn with illustrations all the components of a harness like lanyards, rope garb, rope Anchors, lifelines, and self-retracting lanyards, and understand their function. Personnel will become familiar with details around inspection of fall protection equipment like webbing straps, Buckie, Labels, D-rings, metal parts, rope grab, and anchors. Learn various types of available lanyards and use them for each one. Personnel will become familiar with safety guidelines around the use of anchors, the location of installing anchors, and spacing. The Aggie Safety course is unique in that it details fall rescue techniques and teaches about things to watch out for like suspension trauma. The course also provides a lot of information on unsafe work practices around working at heights. Common OSHA violations around fall protection are also shared. Ladder safety tips are also shared as part of this course. Finally, once a personnel completes the course and gives a quiz with 75% correct answers, he/she will be issued a certificate of completion.

  • Fall Protection, construction (29 CFR 1926.501)
  • Ladders, construction (29 CFR 1926.1053)
  • Fall Protection Training, construction (29 CFR 1926.503)


  • Basics of Fall protection and where it is needed
  • Learn details about fall protection harness components like lanyards, rope garb, rope, Anchors, lifelines, self-retracting lanyards and understand their function
  • Learn inspection details around webbing straps, Buckie, Labels, D-ring, metal parts, rope grab, and anchors and see around wear and tear.
  • Learn to choose the lanyard which works best with your job task
  • Learn safety guidelines around the use of anchors, location of installing anchors, spacing
  • Avoid common unsafe work practices seen often at worksites with illustrations
  • How to do a fall rescue and things to watch out for during a rescue operation
  • How to implement an aerial lift during a fall rescue operation
  • Learn details around suspension trauma
  • Learn about ladder safety
  • Get certified and become more valuable in the workforce
  • Video Duration : 16 minutes 3 seconds


  • There is a quiz after video.
  • One has to pass the quiz to make sure learner has learned the material.
  • The passing score is 70% and above.


Please Note

  • You will get a link to the course in your email within 1 business day.
  • The passing score is 70% and above.
  • This certification must be renewed when you are involved in a fall protection accident, as described in this training program; when your behavior puts you or other employees at risk of injury; or when your employer’s policies require retraining.

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Frequently Asked Questions

When is fall protection required?

In the United States, fall protection is required when working at heights of 4 feet or higher in general industry, 5 feet or higher in shipyards, 6 feet or higher in construction, and 8 feet or higher in longshoring operations. Fall protection is also required when working over dangerous equipment or machinery, regardless of the fall distance.

How often should fall protection equipment be inspected?

Fall protection equipment should be inspected at least once a year by a qualified person.

Can fall protection equipment be reused?

Whether fall protection equipment can be reused depends on the potential risks of the job site. If the next job site is similar to the previous one, the equipment may be reusable. However, other factors like anchorage locations and the condition of the equipment may require new equipment.

What are the components of a personal fall arrest system (PFAS)?

A PFAS includes a body harness and an anchor.

Can two snap hooks or lanyards be connected to one D-ring?

No, all connecting subsystems must be coupled to compatible connectors.

What is the purpose of a wear sleeve?

The wear sleeve should extend beyond the edge to protect the anchor strap.
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