Dust Hazards Analysis

We Serve Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and Texas surrounding areas.

Unique Safety Training Program & Audits For Workplace Safety

Understanding Dust Hazards Analysis

Aggie Safety experts are DEKRA trained and certified and with their industry experience in Solids Handling can provide Dust Hazards Analysis (DHA). OSHA with its Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program (NEP) put in place after Imperial Sugar incident and several iterations and applicable CFR is concerned with the presence of hazards and hazardous conditions, not if the employer has performed a DHA.  DHA analysis is helpful to employers in making informed decisions regarding housekeeping procedures, administrative controls, engineering controls, personal protective equipment specifications, employee training needs, and other safety related issues1.

Aggie Safety experts are well aware of the implementation of the following industry codes/standards:

  • NFPA 61, NFPA 484, NFPA 652, NFPA 654, NFPA 655, and NFPA 664

Detailed DHA with plant personnel can ensure following:

  • Evaluate all powders handled in a facility are combustible vs. non-combustible
  • Likelihood analysis of explosion in various categories of solids handling equipment like bulk loaded, conveyors, driers, spray systems, Dust collection systems (to name a few).
  • Evaluating controls around dust handling systems are adequate (to name a few):
    • Inerting
    • Dust Explosion suppression / Venting
    • Ignition source analysis
    • Housekeeping
    • Electrical classification

Headquatered in Houston

Professional Excellence

Extensive knowledge and experience in the field of occupational safety and health to help organizations improve their safety programs and create a safer work environment for employees. Our programs feature ongoing reviews and consulting, record keeping & document retention, safety manuals, checklists, process & procedure development, codes & standards compliance and more.

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