OSHA Citations and Fines for 2022

October 21, 2022

What is OSHA?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an agency which enforces the citations, safety protocols and fines. This applies on those organizations that do not follow the requirements which are necessary for the safety. This agency is also accountable for the supervision of the safety of workplaces. The companies should know that what the safety requirements are because when they will follow these requirements, they will not be fined and this is beneficial for the business.

OSHA Violations & Citations

OSHA sets some standards or rules which every company has to follow for their safety. If any company does not follow those standards then the company is doing the OSHA violation. And there are some of the OSHA violations which do not place the employees of the company at risk. While the Citation is that which is issued for only addressing that there happens the violation of the OSHA rules or standards in the company and the safety hazards which are recognized by the Compliance officer of OSHA.

Whenever the company gets the notice from the OSHA, they must post the notice at the place where the violation is occurring so that the employees read it carefully and be attentive to not to repeat that violation again or for the safety.

OSHA Fines – Minimums and Maximums

Here’s a table of minimum and maximum fines for OSHA violations.

 Type of Violation  Minimum Penalty  Maximum Penalty
Serious $964 per violation $13,653 per violation
Other-than-serious $0 per violation $13,653 per violation
Willful or Repeated $9,63 per violation $136,532 per violation
Posting Requirements $0 per violation $13,653 per violation
Failure to Abate N/A $13,653 per day past the abatement date.

Can OSHA Fine Employees?

OSHA only fines to the business owners or the employers who are responsible to follow the OSHA rules and standards. When they will do any violation, OSHA will fine to them. And the OSHA cannot fine to the employees.

Where Do OSHA Fines Go?

The OSHA collects the fines but do not consume it by its own. The fine goes to the general fund of the Treasury of US.

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