Safety Training for Roofing Company

We provide OSHA safety training for Roofing Company.

Unique Safety Training Program & Audits For Workplace Safety

Roofing Safety Consulting


Roofing Safety Training



Aggie Safety Program for Roofing Companies

Unique Safety Training & Audits

Aggie Safety was recently involved in helping a roofing company after it suffered from multiple violations/fines from OSHA. As a result, Aggie Safety experts conducted field inspections of several sites and found:

  • Employees and subcontractors had minimal understanding of the key elements of fall protection.
  • The on-site supervisor had little knowledge of what an OSHA Inspector would expect, like having a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, etc.
  • There was a lack of knowledge of what to do when confronted with an OSHA Inspector.
  • Roofers were following unsafe work practices like allowing too much slack in their safety line.

These were the underlying causes for the company and their sub- contractors to receive large fines. In addition, this roofing customer base started to lose confidence.

Aggie Safety has been working with roofing companies for over 15 years and has found these types of problems are too common.


Comprehensive Safety Program 

Unique Safety Training Program & Audits For Workplace Safety.

Aggie Safety is an OSHA safety consulting company headquartered in Houston, Texas.

  • We provide fall protection training on job sites, via Zoom, or to supervisors’ tablets or employees’ cell phones.
  • We can write customized safety programs to satisfy customer, OSHA, and insurance requirements. Lawyers proofread our safety programs to ensure comprehensive coverage.
  • We supply roofing company subcontractors with simplified safety programs in English and Spanish.
  • We train supervisors on critical but often overlooked issues, such as what to do if an employee dies on the job, symptoms requiring a rescue ambulance, the dos and don’ts when faced with an OSHA Inspector, and what to do if 911 doesn’t have the job site address. Training is provided in English and Spanish via cell phone, tablet, or in-person.
  • We offer monthly safety training for employees and subcontractors via Zoom, cell phone, or in-person.
  • We also provide subcontractors with manuals in English and Spanish to help them understand key compliance issues, common fall protection issues, dealing with OSHA, and many other key issues that cause fines and problems.

Note: OSHA has specific regulations for Roofing safety in the workplace, and employers are required to provide Roofing safety training to their employees. It’s important to note that OSHA does not certify trainers, but it does approve training programs and courses that are taught by OSHA-authorized trainers.

Headquatered in Houston

Occupational Safety Training for Roofing Company

We have 25 years’ experience in solving business problems. We understand what exposures you face and what is needed to reduce your risk of loss. From compliance problems to written employment and safety policies we’re the company you can trust.

Houston safety training for employees and documentation forms the foundation of your safety program because it provides your employees with the information, they need to recognize hazardous conditions and unsafe acts while they work. Regular training reinforces the idea that safety is truly important at your company



Reviews, safety culture surveys, accident investigation, safety management and many other forms of assistance.

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